The Benefits of Unplugging

2 min readOct 17, 2019

“Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.” — Anne Lamott

When was the last time you took a break? Have you ever really stepped away from the external stresses of work, school, sports, or even your phone? Think about it. Maybe you’ve taken a vacation, or tried spending a weekend away from work, but found yourself thinking about upcoming projects or checking work emails.

We’ve all been there, but the truth is that’s not unplugging. Not really, at least.

Last spring, I had a Professor who told our class we needed to unplug — to choose ourselves over technology for a few hours each day. She advised us to follow Cal Newport’s lesson of “deep work,” as opposed to shallow work: the “non-cognitively demanding, logistical-style tasks, often performed while distracted. These efforts tend not to create much new value in the world and are easy to replicate.”

It sound simple enough, but actually practicing that can be tough. It doesn’t have to be, though.

Work Productivity

Deep work is undistracted work. Turn your most productive hours of the day to unplugged hours; the quantity and quality of your work will improve exponentially during periods of wholly undistracted, uninterrupted work. If unplugging completely for hours at a time is difficult for you, start small. Begin with 30 to 45 minute chunks of trial unplugging and work your way up to two or three unplugged hours. You’ll be amazed at how much you accomplish, and eventually it’ll become a habit.


Choose to be present. The power of undivided attention toward strengthening your relationships is unreal. Take a step back and think about the last time you put your phone down entirely for a dinner or hangout with a friend?

The power of social media for relationship connectivity is amazing, but sometimes it does the very opposite of that for real life relationships. Unplug when you are with family and friends and your relationships will become stronger.

Unplugging also offers an opportunity to become more introspective. Take the time to learn more about yourself in a distraction-free space. You will find places where you can become betr!

Recharge Yourself

Unplugging is scientifically proven to give a better night’s sleep. When you take an opportunity to reset and recharge you are refreshed and ready to take on the next step and be productive for the new day ahead.

Take a chance this week and go offline. It might just change your life.




Let’s dream of a more positive world together!